Treffer für: Total Cost of Ownership

IPA 19/5 – OSRAM – Implementation of Cost Analysis and Optimization Software Tool for Electronics

IPA 19/5 – OSRAM – Implementation of Cost Analysis and Optimization Software Tool for Electronics

Improve product value and reduce total cost for OSRAM is a major goal of Cost-Engineering. Target is to enhance the approach of strategic cost analysis with specific technical expertise to improve product value and cost, by applying a dedicated set of cost and value levers.
Benefits for our business: reduces material cost, provides production technology expertise, improves supplier productivity and collaborates with cross-functional partners in design optimization.
The Cost Analysis and Optimization approach provides cost transparency in all details of the manufacturing process – this serves as a basis for targeted optimization of the suppliers, productivity, our product specification and help to push negotiations based on real prices instead of market prices.
Products and process costs must be evaluated in detail before starting new product proposals. This has to be done always under the consideration of TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) with the support of the Cost Analysis and Optimization Software Tool which need to be implemented within that IPA Project for Electronics.

IPA 19/6 – OSRAM – Determination and TCO Evaluation of Production Output Improvements @ Electronics Production with the minimum of resources

IPA 19/6 – OSRAM – Determination and TCO Evaluation of Production Output Improvements @ Electronics Production with the minimum of resources

The need to reduce the quantity of resources used while increasing production output is key.
Therefore we need to improve the productivity of resources (Material & Energy).
As result we want manufacture as much as possible from the use of a given quantity of raw materials and energy.
A paradigm change is needed to achieve this: Instead of “maximum profit from the minimum of capital” we need to achieve “maximum profit from the minimum of resources”.
Whatever waste or heat there is in a process must be determined and evaluated within the different manufacturing process.
The specific final energy consumption in manufacturing industries in Germany was reduced by 64 % between 1960 and 2000.
Prerequisites for these increases in resource efficiency were and still are technological innovations.
Companies that are acquiring a cost advantage today through efficiency technologies will further consolidate this advantage in the future.

ANGEBOT IPA 18/D – Kiefel – Vergleich Antriebskonzepte: vollelektrisch vs. gemischt

ANGEBOT IPA 18/D – Kiefel – Vergleich Antriebskonzepte: vollelektrisch vs. gemischt

Kiefel entwickelt und produziert vollautomatische Maschinen zur Herstellung von medizinischen Beuteln aller Art. Bei fast allen Maschinen zur Herstellung von Infusionsbeuteln handelt es sich um getaktete vollautomatische Maschinen.
Im Zuge diese Projekts sollen Lösungen für die Umstellung einer Standardmaschine auf vollelektrische Antriebstechnik erarbeitet sowie eine Kostenbetrachtung hinsichtlich Maschinenpreis und Betriebskosten durchgeführt werden.

ANGEBOT IPA 18/H – OSRAM – Implementation of Cost Analysis and Optimization Software Tool for Electronics

ANGEBOT IPA 18/H – OSRAM – Implementation of Cost Analysis and Optimization Software Tool for Electronics

Improve product value and reduce total cost for OSRAM is a major goal of Cost-Engineering. Target is to enhance the approach of strategic cost analysis with specific technical expertise to improve product value and cost, by applying a dedicated set of cost and value levers.
Benefits for our business: reduces material cost, provides production technology expertise, improves supplier productivity and collaborates with cross-functional partners in design optimization.
The Cost Analysis and Optimization approach provides cost transparency in all details of the manufacturing process – this serves as a basis for targeted optimization of the suppliers, productivity, our product specification and help to push negotiations based on real prices instead of market prices.
Products and process costs must be evaluated in detail before starting new product proposals. This has to be done always under the consideration of TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) with the support of the Cost Analysis and Optimization Software Tool which need to be implemented within that IPA Project for Electronics.

ANGEBOT IPA 18/I – OSRAM – Determination and TCO Evaluation of Production Output Improvements @ Electronics Production with the minimum of resources

ANGEBOT IPA 18/I – OSRAM – Determination and TCO Evaluation of Production Output Improvements @ Electronics Production with the minimum of resources

The need to reduce the quantity of resources used while increasing production output is key.
Therefore we need to improve the productivity of resources (Material & Energy).
As result we want manufacture as much as possible from the use of a given quantity of raw materials and energy.
A paradigm change is needed to achieve this: Instead of “maximum profit from the minimum of capital” we need to achieve “maximum profit from the minimum of resources”.
Whatever waste or heat there is in a process must be determined and evaluated within the different manufacturing process.
The specific final energy consumption in manufacturing industries in Germany was reduced by 64 % between 1960 and 2000.
Prerequisites for these increases in resource efficiency were and still are technological innovations.
Companies that are acquiring a cost advantage today through efficiency technologies will further consolidate this advantage in the future.

ANGEBOT IPA 16/S – Kiefel – Entwicklung eines Excel-basierten Tools zur Ermittlung der Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

ANGEBOT IPA 16/S – Kiefel – Entwicklung eines Excel-basierten Tools zur Ermittlung der Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Entwicklung eines Excel-basierten Tools zur Ermittlung der Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)