Treffer für: Prototypenbau

ANGEBOT IPA 19/K – OSRAM – Evaluation of Prototyping production line for Light Engines

ANGEBOT IPA 19/K – OSRAM – Evaluation of Prototyping production line for Light Engines

There are many options to setup a new prototype production line for Light Engines.
Fast ”Time to market” is important, even with a high part of Project business with Customers. A Region for Region setup is defined. The Product focus is to put on Electronic Light Engines “LE” for the European Market.
Prototyping is evaluated as a huge opportunity for new business creation.
Aim is to deliver prototypes to customers by provided design with short lead time of 2 weeks.
The technology within the Prototyping line is already evaluated within an IPA17 Project and results are the baseline.
Risk Evaluation of different setups is mandatory: financial, timeline, legacies (e.g. existing products and EHS risks).

ANGEBOT IPA 18/G – OSRAM – Evaluation of Prototyping production line for Light Engines

ANGEBOT IPA 18/G – OSRAM – Evaluation of Prototyping production line for Light Engines

There are many options to setup a new prototype production line for Light Engines.
Fast ”Time to market” is important, even with a high part of Project business with Customers. A Region for Region setup is defined. The Product focus is to put on Electronic Light Engines “LE” for the European Market.
Prototyping is evaluated as a huge opportunity for new business creation.
Aim is to deliver prototypes to customers by provided design with short lead time of 2 weeks.
The technology within the Prototyping line is already evaluated within an IPA17 Project and results are the baseline.
Risk Evaluation of different setups is mandatory: financial, timeline, legacies (e.g. existing products and EHS risks).

IPA 16/1 – IABG – Erhöhung des Ertrags von Windenergieanlagen

IPA 16/1 – IABG – Erhöhung des Ertrags von Windenergieanlagen

Als Ergebnis von Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen erhalten Windenergieanlagen (WEA) häufig Einschränkungen in der Betriebsgenehmigung. Dadurch sinken die möglichen Erträge der betroffenen Windenergieanlagen deutlich.
Kollisionen mit Fledermäusen mit den Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen werden häufig beobachtet. Wirksame technische Systeme zur Vermeidung der Kollisionen sind auf dem Markt nicht erhältlich. Deswegen müssen Windenergieanlagen zu Zeiten, in denen mit verstärktem Fledermausflug zu rechnen ist, zumeist abgeschaltet werden. In der IABG existiert ein technischer Ansatz zur wirksamen Vermeidung von Kollisionen.