Evaluation of Logistic Challenges of Cell Line Introduction @ Electronic Driver Production
Ausgangssituation / Randbedingungen
The goal of this project is to evaluate and come up with a design & logistic material flow concept for a flexible cell line for the production of electrical drivers for the LED. Because of their numerous advantages compared to traditional light bulbs, light emitting diodes are the future of the lighting industry. To operate light emitting diodes electrical drivers are needed which are produced by OSRAM. In the future, a wide range of ballast types need to be produced to meet customer request & demand. Because of the variation of products and volume that need to be produced, the current line needs to be reorganized to be more flexible and to react better to the market requirements. In order to determine the best possible cell line five potential cell design solutions were considered. These solutions have to be evaluated using qualitative and quantitative methods. The solution with the best results will be setup at OSRAM production locations.
Arbeitspakete ‚Evaluation of Logistic Challenges of Cell Line Introduction‘
Basic Requirement & Assumptions
Goal of Short Lead Time (2 weeks) on Products with Short Life Cycle (6 month – 2 years)
Evaluation of Interaction of Customer interaction models CIM: Target with MTO or ATS
Evaluation of Short delivery times of Pre-Material by suppliers : Supplier Controlled Inventories, Kan Ban, consignment
Evaluation Points
Evaluation of current state of Production and Material flow at Electronic Driver production line: Time study & Layout
Determination of possible Solutions with Lean Production concepts inclusive Logistic Concept of Pre-Material Delivery
Benchmark of Different solutions with dedicated TCO calculation (based on volume, stock costs, customs)
Define together with global Supply Chain Planning and global MF responsible the final Project implementation strategy
Implement Flexible Cell Line Design with winning Logistic Concept of material supply
Finalize Capacity Calculation and Saving overview
Prepare Management Presentation
Lösungsansatz / Aufgabenstellung Phase 1:
Define and Analyze Current State of Cell Line inclusive Logistic Concept of Pre-Material Delivery Phase 2:
Define Production line setup with Layout planning and Capacity calculation; Implement improved Logistic Concept